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Stay on course with the navigation compass

Like the compass, the navigation compass uses north as a directional reference. The compass was, for a very long time, the only means available to navigators to find their bearings and steer at sea. By measuring horizontal angles, the compass also allows to follow a precise course. There are several types of navigational compasses: magnetic compass, bearing compass, gyroscopic compass, electronic compass, etc. Their functionality and specificities are to be selected according to their use and desired technology.

Which navigation compass to choose?

Decathlon offers you different models of navigation compass:

  • The bearing and orientation compass allows you to know your position in relation to an element called a watermark. This landmark can be a buoy or a lighthouse, for example. Ideal for regatta, it can also be useful when hiking.
  • The compass on a stirrup, robust enough to absorb the vibrations of the boat.
  • The universal compass with dual reading, which allows you to follow the course from both the cockpit and the cabin.
  • Sailors who like to anticipate their route with the help of a chart will appreciate the lyre-shaped dry point compass, which is very easy to handle.

Go to sea serenely with Decathlon

Sailing at sea is an activity that requires a lot of preparation in terms of equipment, both for your comfort and your safety. That's why, at Decathlon, we've developed a full range of products to accompany your best sea trips. Documentation items such as the maritime signals disc or the Safetics guide for sailors will help you to be well informed about maritime regulations. In addition, since visibility is crucial during your navigation, it is important to have waterproof and sturdy twinoculars in addition to your navigation compass. In fact, find all of our tips for choosing the right pair of binoculars in our complete guide on the subject.