7 items
Last chance
Rate: 4.9 stars, 880 votes
3 colours
Last chance
Rate: 4.9 stars, 378 votes
Rate: 4.9 stars, 154 votes
2 colours
Last chance
Rate: 4.9 stars, 437 votes
Last chance
Rate: 4.8 stars, 106 votes
4 colours
Last chance
Rate: 4.9 stars, 234 votes
Last chance
Rate: 4.7 stars, 192 votes
4.8/5 based on 2381 reviews collected online and in stores

Badminton Shorts and Skirts

When you're out on that badminton court, comfort is always key. That's why at Decathlon we've put together a fantastic collection of badminton skirts and shorts as part of our badminton clothing range, designed by great brands for men and women. Our collection brings together clothing specially made to strike a balance between flexibility and comfort. Discover our full range of badminton products on our dedicated badminton page, including all the badminton equipment you'll need to excel on the court.