Is Archery Good For Your Fitness?

Is Archery Good For Your Fitness?

Archery comes with a range of benefits you may not be aware of. The advantages it brings to your fitness make this exercise method one to consider.

The sport of archery is often mistaken for being a stationary sport. However, the physical ability, precision, control, and focus needed to be successful in archery carries a range of benefits to your health.

Man using archery bow and arrow

What Are the Physical Benefits Of Archery 

Whether you plan on practising it indoors or out, competitively or socially – let’s explore how archery can help you get active, burn calories and benefit your well-being and state of mind.

If you're thinking of taking up archery or are already a seasoned professional and would like to update your gear, then follow the link below for a wide range of equipment and accessories to suit all ages and skill levels. 

Archery Helps Improve Your Upper Body Strength

Probably the most obvious benefit of archery is the primary muscles it engages in your upper body. To make a successful shot in archery, you have to train and use your arms, shoulders, back and chest muscles. Like every other sport or exercise, you’re more likely to see an improvement in your health and body if you’re consistent with training and practising. Therefore if you don’t put in the time and effort, you’re less likely to see results, especially if you’re after toned or defined biceps, triceps and pectoralis muscles, a.k.a “pecs”.
Let’s break down some of the main muscles used in archery:

  • A man adjusting his supportive sleeve for his arm .

    Arm Muscles

    The arm muscles are the primary muscles used in archery, more specifically, your biceps, triceps and forearm muscles. These muscles work together as you draw the bowstring back, as the forearm muscles assist in stabilising your hand and wrist when you aim and release.

  • lady holding and aiming an archery bow and arrow

    Back Muscles

    The back muscles play more of a secondary role in archery to support your arms. Your back muscles provide support for the weight of your arms as you hold up the bow and arrow, as well as keeping your spine stable as you aim.
    The main muscle groups used in your upper back during archery are the latissimus dorsi, a.k.a your “lats”, the trapezius, and the rhomboids.

  • man holding and aiming an archery bow and arrow  at a target

    Shoulder Muscles

    The back muscles play more of a secondary role in archery to support your arms. Your back muscles provide support for the weight of your arms as you hold up the bow and arrow, as well as keeping your spine stable as you aim.
    The main muscle groups used in your upper back during archery are the latissimus dorsi, a.k.a your “lats”, the trapezius, and the rhomboids.

A woman and two men pointing their archery bows and arrows

Archery Is A Great Workout for Your Core

Along with engaging your upper body; archery can also use the muscles in your core when you draw the bowstring to generate the force required to make a powerful and precise shot.
All in all, archery can be a great full-body workout that engages all of your core muscles. This mainly happens when you’re using your arms, shoulders and back whilst shooting, but also when you have to walk back and forth to your target to collect your arrows and from one target to the next. All of this accumulates to burning calories. 

A man fitting his archery bow and arrow

What Are The Mental Benefits Of Playing Archery?

Thinking and Focus: 
To make more precise shots, you need to be focused and concentrate on the targets ahead. This ultimately results in you engaging your brain to tune in, drown outside distractions and worries, focus on aiming for the target and make a great shot. 

Relieving Stress
Archery can be a very relaxing sport, depending on how active and competitive you get. The atmosphere when playing competitive or professional archery is usually that of a calm but thrilling atmosphere compared to a more novice or beginner game of archery where you could expect more directions and tips being shared whilst shooting, especially if you're taking part in a training lesson.

Unless you're taking part in indoor archery, outdoor archery sessions usually end up being played in wide-open places, maybe a field of some sort that often ends up being scenic and calming. This also contributes to a sense of 

A close of a man focusing his archery bow and arrow at a practise target

Archery Can Be Good For Your Health In So Many Ways

Here are a few more examples:

Coordination and balance
Archery requires focus, and If practised consistently, archery can improve your aim and accuracy over time. This will also have a positive effect on your mental agility.   

Hand-eye coordination
Aim and accuracy are key skills to mastering archery therefore, your hands and eyes must work in unison to ensure you make clear, accurate and successful shots.

A Chance to Make New Friends
If you’re looking for like-minded people, a place to socialise and unwind whilst reaping a good number of health benefits (as discussed above), then archery is the sport for you.

A man and two kids using an archery set

Archery Is Great For All Ages

Whether you're a beginner or looking for archery equipment the whole family can enjoy then look no further than Decathlon's archery sets. There's a varied selection of archery sets for you to choose from. Whether you're looking for something child-friendly or suitable for adults then click the link below.