Bike rider wearing sunglasses

How to Choose Your Cycling or Running Sunglasses?

Sun, wind, cold, insects... during cycling rides or runs, your eyes are even more vulnerable and even more vital.

Find out how to best protect your eyes with the right cycling and running sunglasses.
We work with trusted optic specialists to design and produce our cycling sunglasses; from product managers, and engineers, to laboratory staff, our expertly designed cycling glasses are made with cyclists' needs in mind.

As you scroll through this article, you'll come across phrases like ‘index of glare protection and ‘photochromic lenses’ might jump out at you and seem over complicated – but they’re not. Stick with us and we’ll explain, quite simply, what to look out for when you’re buying sports sunglasses; from the lens category, whether the lenses can be changed, to the tint and so much more.

1. Lens Category

You can cycle or run in any weather conditions. Sun, rain, fog... but to ensure you can see clearly throughout, you'll need to protect your eyes with a pair of sunglasses from the appropriate lens category.

First thing’s first, what does ‘lens category’ mean? It’s the index of glare protection , which ranges from 0 (the lightest lens) to 4 (the darkest lens) and there’s a lens category for every weather condition.

Basically, the brighter the outdoor light, the more glare you get, and the darker the lens should be. And the darker the sky, the lighter the lens should be to allow proper vision.

For cycling and running, choose category 0, 1, 2 or 3 lenses, depending on the sunshine intensity.

Warning! Category 4 lenses must not be used for road driving. These heavily tinted lenses are only for high mountain and sea conditions, where the sun rays are more intense.

Index of glare protection: Lens Category 0

For rainy conditions or at night .

Very low brightness outside.

Full UV protection.

Index of glare protection: Lens Category 1

For cloudy or foggy conditions.

Low brightness outside.

Full UV protection.

Index of glare protection: Lens Category 2

For partly sunny weather conditions.

Average brightness outside.

Full UV protection.

Index of glare protection: Lens Category 3

For sunny weather conditions.

Bright outside conditions.

Full UV protection.

2. Interchangeable Lenses

Weather is changeable – especially if you live in the UK! – and if you cycle or run regularly, you'll need to be prepared for bright or cloudy skies. That's why opting for sunglasses with interchangeable lenses may be the best option for you.

That just means you'll have a frame with several sets of lenses that fall into various categories. Before going out, you just need to clip or lock the appropriate lens category onto the frame. Certain sunglasses may be sold with one, two or even three additional pairs of lenses.

3. Photochromic Or Variable Tint Lenses

If you liked the idea of interchangeable lenses, wait till you read about photochromic lenses: lenses with a variable tint . Depending on the light conditions, the lens automatically and continuously adjusts its tint. The lens category changes progressively, without the need to change the lenses.

Like we said before, the weather can be unpredictable and it’s likely you’ll be moving between overcast and sunny areas within a matter of minutes on your bike or when you’re running, so it’s not always convenient to have to choose one single lens category. With photochromic lenses, you don't have to worry about choosing the appropriate lens tint, the photochromic lenses with automatically adjust it's tint to what you need.

For cycling and running, photochromic lenses usually vary from category 1 to 3 , in order to adapt to as many light conditions as possible.

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Decathlete and Optics Specialist

Whether you’re running or cycling outdoors, always choose lenses that have a full UV filter to protect your eyes from the sun's harmful rays. Want your sports sunglasses to last longer? Go for polycarbonate lenses, a highly shock-resistant material.

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