256 items
Rate: 4.6 stars, 351 votes
4 colours
Rate: 4.6 stars, 351 votes
4 colours
Rate: 4.7 stars, 67 votes
3 colours
Rate: 4.7 stars, 67 votes
3 colours
Sold and shipped by SWAG Distribution Ltd
Rate: 4.8 stars, 195 votes
Rate: 4.7 stars, 67 votes
3 colours
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Rate: 4.8 stars, 264 votes
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Rate: 4.7 stars, 1721 votes
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19 colours
Sold and shipped by J & R Sports Limited
19 colours
Sold and shipped by J & R Sports Limited
Rate: 4.4 stars, 161 votes
Rate: 4.8 stars, 93 votes
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Rate: 4.5 stars, 87 votes
2 colours
Sold and shipped by SWAG Distribution Ltd
Top rated
Rate: 4.8 stars, 264 votes
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Rate: 4.6 stars, 516 votes
Rate: 4.7 stars, 356 votes
Sold and shipped by Robbie Toys Limited
2 colours
Sold and shipped by J & R Sports Limited
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Rate: 4.9 stars, 723 votes
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Rate: 4.5 stars, 64 votes
13 colours
Sold and shipped by J & R Sports Limited
Top rated
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Rate: 4.8 stars, 93 votes
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Rate: 4.7 stars, 14 votes
2 colours
19 colours
Sold and shipped by J & R Sports Limited
19 colours
Sold and shipped by J & R Sports Limited
4.5/5 based on 12603 reviews collected online and in stores

Roller skating is a great sport to try when you want to add a little fun to your commute or test your daring side with a few stunts at the skatepark. and there are plenty of rollerblading accessories to make sure you get the most out of every excursion.

Roller Skating Accessories

Get all your roller skating accessories at the Decathlon rollerblading accessories online shop for everything you could need when prepping for your next adventure on four wheels. Whether you need to stock up on the latest multi-tool or you’re looking for the most durable, high-quality inline skate bag to last you for the long haul, our inline skating accessories work for everyone, no matter your skill level.

Decathlon offers rollerblading accessories that’ll help maintain your adults’ inline skatesandkids’ inline skates, upgrade your kit and kit you out with the perfect sportswear that’ll help you perform at your best. Browse our range of roller skating accessories, anything from your trustee aluminium bike multitool to inline skate brake pad fits to stop at a moment’s notice.

Multitool Rollerblading Accessories

What else could be more helpful in helping you test your quad roller skatesto their limits than a multitool that’ll do all the quick fixes for you? Our multitool is the go-to inline skating accessory, to ensure your rollerblades get a quick fix when they need it, particularly after making an ambitious jump when your skates need a little tightening. Whip out the multitool and enjoy perfect versatility and do the basic repairs yourself. Compact, lightweight and fits perfectly into your skating bag with your dedicatedroller skating helmet.

Browse our inline skating accessories range for everything-roller blading and guaranteed quality.