In the unlikely event that you are unhappy with your product simply return items with the original packaging and materials. Items must be in new and unused condition. The goods must be returned within 30 days from signing for the goods in order to receive a refund.
In the unlikely event that you are unhappy with your product simply return items with the original packaging and materials. Items must be in new and unused condition. The goods must be returned within 30 days from signing for the goods in order to receive a refund.
All products carry a full manufacturer’s warranty. Should there be a problem with the manufacturer’s warranty period Affordable Golf will do everything possible to assist you in taking care of your particular situation. Without agreement from Affordable Golf return shipping charges are the responsibility of the customer. We recommend that the returned items are insured when shipped.
All items ordered before 14:30 Monday-Friday, will be shipped same working day, anything ordered after this time will be shipped the next working day.