How do I make mind-muscle connection work for my bodybuilding routine?
Mindfulness isn’t something that’s largely talked about in bodybuilding circles, but it’s incredibly important when implementing the mind-muscle connection to your workout.
Here are some tips to help you do just that:
1. It’s about technique, not breaking new lifting records. The slowest way of developing a mind muscle connection is making moving up a bench press weight your primary goal. While it’s obviously good to be pushing yourself, especially when you want to make gains, focusing on the quality of your repetitions and the impact it is having on your muscles, will stand you in a far better stead in the long term, both physically and mental.
2. Warming up before working out. Kick off each session by doing a few warm up sets with a high rep count, but with at a low weight. During this warm up, focus on the muscles you want the brain to connect with, and try to pause during the moment of maximum contraction, It’s also good to worth squeezing the weight, as it helps wake the mind up and get it focused for the workout ahead. If this feels like too much, do this on an off day.
3. Work on slower pumps. As mentioned earlier in the article. The more time you take, the better your brain will interact with your movements. To build a better mind-muscle connection, you don’t need to be miles away from your comfort zone. Again, there’s nothing wrong with trying a lighter weight if it means you’re engaged with what your body is doing at a speed which means you’re in control.
4. Flexing shows progress. Whether it’s in the mirror or in private, it’s good to flex in between sets, to get a good understanding of how your mind muscle connection is developing.